Monday, December 31, 2007

Go To Sleep Girl

I drank a Go Girl.

Although I think caffeine has no affect on me, part of me knows that it sometimes has the ability to keep me up in bed, laying in the dark, praying for sleep. This inevitable, sleepless, me is unpredictable. She pops up whenever. I thought about potentially-sleepless-future-me briefly as I popped open the can of Go Girl at the ARC fashion show (apparently they sponsored the event), but the inkling of possible regret in the back of my head quickly disappeared as the beverage was a) free and b) free of calories. These are two things I can't refuse. The fact that aspartame is arguably toxic and that caffeine slows down your metabolism (thankyou stomach-flattening seminar via Royal Carribean) are nutritional factoids that mean nothing to the cheapskate and sucker-for-sweets that is me.

I used to make fun of Go Girl for its blantant sucker appeal. "What a marketing crock!" I thought. Because it's pink, sugar-free, and somewhat chic looking, women are supposed to purchase this joke of an energy drink? But the fact remains that it tastes nothing like Red Bull (a very good thing), has less than 5 calories (I know this because it has a less than < sign on the label), and it's delicious with vodka.

So after thumbing through the new Bjork songs my friend put on my ipod (as it turns out, not many of which can be counted on to put you to sleep) and reading 50 pages of the best book ever (Killing Yourself to Live by Chuck Klosterman), I was left with only a new appreciation for Bjork's ability to roll her tonsils and began hearing my thoughts in a narrative voice, which always happens to me when I read a lot and is probably the reason I'm writing a blog right now. But no sleep.

The fact that I can't sleep is probably the only affect energy drinks/caffeine have on me. I don't recall ever getting an energy "high". I'm pretty much down for a nap any time. Today I slept in till 10:00 a.m. Come 4 p.m., I had nothing to do and conked out for an hour simply because I could (and only woke up because I had to attend to the ARC fashion show). The only "high" I get from said drinks is not feeling the need to go to sleep. Unfortunately the free opportunities always seem to present themselves in close proximity to bed time.

Go Girl should make a drink called Go To Sleep Girl to counteract the "energizing" affects of their leading product.

In other news, or shall I say shit that actually matters, I'm going to UCLA- starting in July for their Transfer Summer Program. I almost want to call it UCFLA, that is, UC fuckin' LA! The same acronym can also be used for AR, as in I go to fuckin' AR (FAR), although with a very different (read: negative) connotation.

The reality that I'll be living in L.A. in less than 3 months hasn't sunken in. I feel this strange, but typical (of me), combination of "I can't wait to worry only about myself and not what my mom wants me to do!" and "Aw, I'm going to miss sleeping in the same house as my mom." Obviously the former wins out by a landslide and I'm super excited about the whole thing, but it will be weird to live away from my family for the rest of my life (not in the same house, not necessarily in a different city).

Maybe I should try one of my mom's sleeping pills. I most probably won't do that, since, now that I think about it, I have an irrational fear of putting drugs of even a normal nature into my body. I don't even like washing my birth control pill down with alchohol for fear that it might make some sort of deadly cocktail in my stomach. This fear is also what has kept me from purchasing diet pills (come on, that Envy stuff is tempting and convincing and to a certain extent, before Anna Nicole passed away, so was Trim Spa) and from trying anything more than weed (that and that Dawson's Creek episode where Andy has a seizure from taking one ecstacy pill). I suppose both those things make me a) easily influenced by cheesy advertising and b) easily influenced by sitcoms with subtle "after-school-special"-like morals.

Well I'm off to (try to) sleep, me and the narrator in my head. Goodnight.

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